Monday, February 18, 2008


If you haven't been introduced to the world of twittering, you are missing out! Twitter is basically a micro-blog used to create and maintain a network of friends. In less than 140 characters, you can sound off, reflect, question, complain, or get it off your chest.

I am obsessed with twitter, hear what I have to say by following me at cgasell.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Google Does it Again...Google Docs Survey!

Absolutely the best new tool from Google, google docs survey feature is awesome. Online surveys are fun to make and an easy way to gather data. Now, Google has unleashed a survey feature in Google docs. Creating questions is easy to do and Google gives you several different question formats to choose from. Once you create your survey, you can either email it or link to a unique URL. The survey results go right into your Google Doc spreadsheet for you to analyze. A great tool for teachers with endless possibilities!

Check out Google's Blog for more information.