Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Fun Learning for All

Happy Holidays!

There are so many fun games out there, but I can think of two that your students will love. I find that friends and family enjoy these games as well. After showing my mom, she constantly gives me updates on her latest scores. My grandmother, mother, and I sat around the computer after dinner and played for hours.

Free Rice is my favorite. Not only because I am an English teacher, but because the site donates rice to developing nations. For every vocabulary word you can define correctly, the site donates rice. I was skeptical at first, so I looked into the site further and couldn't find any complaints.

Another great site to test your geography knowledge is from TravelPod.com. Travelpod hosts travel blogs, but it is also the home of a great geography test. You can test your traveler IQ by seeing how close and how fast you can locate national locations on a map. Visit the Traveler IQ Challenger to test your knowledge of our world. There are also picture challenges and USA location challengers.

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